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Best wishes and Happy Planning!
Gemma & the team.

Saturday, August 17

Garter to Impress Your Groom! (and Guests!)

The garter is a traditional part of the bride's wedding outfit full of history and luck. Historically, this tradition relates to the belief that taking an article of the bride's clothing would bring good luck. In the Middle Ages, the groom's men would rush at the new bride to take her garters off her as a prize. As this often resulted in the destruction of the bride's dress, the tradition arose for the bride to surrender articles of her clothing, which were tossed to the guests, including the garter. Nowadays, the privilege of removing the bride's garter is reserved to the groom, while the bride will toss her bouquet. Another superstition that has circulated is the male equivalent of the bride throwing her bouquet to the unmarried ladies. According to this superstition, the unmarried male wedding guest who successfully catches the garter will be the next man to be headed to the altar from the group of single men at that wedding. Traditionally, the man who caught the garter and the lady who caught the bouquet would share the next dance.

Many ladies like to use their garter as part of their something new or something blue (I have opted to combine the two as both my new and blue!). But why should it be simple? If you have a 'wow factor' dress or a really fun wedding theme, why not get a garter to match! With everything from feathers to brooches, plain lace to neon brights, there are so many options to wear. Here are some stunning examples!

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