
Hello and welcome to The East wedding Co! We are here to bring you all the latest information about planning your wedding in the East Of England. As wedding planner's for Evissa Weddings, we will be recommending top suppliers and vendors, updating you on the latest trends, plus DIY tips and how to budget your wedding fund! As well as bringing you all the top news and events from your area, so keep watching!

Best wishes and Happy Planning!
Gemma & the team.

Wednesday, October 31

Happy Halloween!

This post is dedicated to my love of Halloween! Now, as I said before, I'm a sucker for themed weddings, and this would have to be my favourite time of year to get away with something truly fun. It is also something that seems to be rising in popularity, even Christina Aguilera had a zombie wedding!

Of course you don't have to go all out with costumes and face paints There are many ways to influence the holiday into your wedding without going overboard! Small pumpkins can be used for little lanterns around the room, lots of oranges, reds and blacks can give the colours needed without the need of crazy decor, and even just having the theme in your cake can give the day a hint of a Halloween focal point. lots of people like to use little things from the film 'Nightmare before Christmas' to add that cute factor.

Now, if you are more like me then you can go the whole hog! Fake cobwebs on large candlabras can add that spooky feel, getting guests to join in on the dressing up action and even getting the fake blood on yourself and groom too to add effect! It really is up to you and how far you want to go with it! Happy Halloween everyone!!

Tuesday, October 30

Wonderful Wings!

Now, when planning a wedding, you become desperate for something to make your day stand out from all the rest. You want to be unique, without being too crazy or tacky. And that's where wearing wings comes into play.

Big wings can give you the fairytale wedding you dreamed of, giving just that bit of oomph to your dress, and even the bridal party! Little girls look adorable in little fairy wings, and brides can look ever so elegant. And even the groom can get in on this, wearing a costume, or wearing wings himself. I think it brings out the little girl in everyone, and makes your day feel truly magical, without the cost of Disney World!

There are numerous types, styles and sizes of wings available to fit any budget and theme. Why not have a look around!

Monday, October 29

Cut to Perfection!

On today's post, I am looking at a new love of laser cut creations. I met a young lady called Suzi Mclaughlan at The Most Curious Wedding Fair that took place recently in Norwich and fell in love with her work. And then decided to delve more into the idea. I found an arrayment of masterpieces available for a couple's special day.

The most favourite has to be the laser cut bouquets. It's truly amazing the various shapes and designs that are made, and they are surprisingly very strong! You can have decorations, invitations, favour boxes, table plans, even dresses with the beautiful laser cut finish. Check it out!

Sunday, October 28

Fabulous Favours

With the traditional 'sugared almonds in a bag' becoming a thing of the past, couples are now finding new and inventive ways of thanking their guests for coming. Favours can now be found fr every colour, season and theme that the bride and groom can think of! You can now go as simple or as wacky as you want, finding something truly unique that gives everyone a smile and letting your creativity go wild.

For the Eco bride, you can get minature cacti and plants in cute little pots, a personalised pack of seeds or perhaps a bean plant that has the word 'Love' on it once grown (so sweet!). Food and drinks are also becoming popular ideas with small bottles of booze, biscuits and modern sweets showing a trend. I personally love the mini gumball machines. If its a summer wedding, small jars of jams and honey go down a treat, or as seen in the pics below, how about a pair of sunglasses for each guest!

Of course there are millions more to have! I've seen everything from cheeseboards and wine stoppers, to toys and photograph frames. A great idea for those keeping to a tight budget is to make a CD for each guest with songs that are meaningful to the bride and groom. Another favourite is a personalised bag of tea leaves (I am a tea addict so this makes me smile!).

Saturday, October 27

What's More Important, Flowers or Dress?

What's More Important, Flowers or Dress?

Well how about having the two together! On one of my many Google image hunts, I came across the most stunning dress and wondered if I could find more. And I did! The ultimate Eco dresses, made completely from real flowers and plants! With so many colours and flowers to choose from, you can really make the dress your own. But imagining all the work that needs to be done, I'm pretty sure each dress will cost your whole wedding budget and more, and probably isn't that great for those with hayfever!

 But we can all dream...