
Hello and welcome to The East wedding Co! We are here to bring you all the latest information about planning your wedding in the East Of England. As wedding planner's for Evissa Weddings, we will be recommending top suppliers and vendors, updating you on the latest trends, plus DIY tips and how to budget your wedding fund! As well as bringing you all the top news and events from your area, so keep watching!

Best wishes and Happy Planning!
Gemma & the team.

Tuesday, June 5

A Linconshire Wedding with a helpful photographer !!

On Todays blog, The wedding, with the most helpful photographer !!.....

From Photographer Russell Crouch

 All was going well for *Sarah and *Christopher's wedding day on the 5th May 2012.
The day was sunny and the bride looked stunning, the beautiful Folkinham Church in
Lincolnshire was the perfect setting, the wedding went without a hitch....

 Until on the way to the Reception, When the beautiful old police car broke down!
Luckily, as Russell had be detained putting his camera bits away after the last of the bridal
shots he was following on behind when he noticed the car on the side of the road, pulling
over Russell had a chat with the driver, and had to called the Reception venue, Belton House
to put the Wedding breakfast on hold and then he helped fix the car!
Amazingly hardly anyone noticed the late arrival of the couple!

Your memories are not expensive they are priceless, let us help you keep them.
 Russell Croucher LBIPP is an award winning photographer, who seizes the beauty and
power of a single moment. A versatile and hard-working photographer, Russell’s images
have captured the imagination of the judges in photography competitions world-wide
Russell's services cover Linconshire, with a bit of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Liestershire, and Nottinghamsire and has travelled to Kent and Yorkshire as well

This service covers all your photography needs for the day, from attendance at the Bride’s
home, place of ceremony and reception to the end of the speeches and the first dance.
You will get a CD of high-resolution images with all photographs saved as JPEG’s and a
digital album printed to A4 of your choice photographs or we can design the album for you.

This collection will cover from the start of the day at the Bride's home, place of ceremony
and reception to the start of the wedding breakfast, with no limits on the amount of
photographs taken. A 20 page digital album printed to A4 (approx) of your choice of
photographs will be printed for you.

Call on 07932 053396 for more details or go to his web page
For more information.

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