
Hello and welcome to The East wedding Co! We are here to bring you all the latest information about planning your wedding in the East Of England. As wedding planner's for Evissa Weddings, we will be recommending top suppliers and vendors, updating you on the latest trends, plus DIY tips and how to budget your wedding fund! As well as bringing you all the top news and events from your area, so keep watching!

Best wishes and Happy Planning!
Gemma & the team.

Wednesday, November 20

How to Minimise Wedding Day Stress

Sounds silly doesn't it?
Trust me I'm not about to start blasting out a self help pitch! Today I speak from experience.
I want to share with all you brides to be what I class as vital information for any bride and it's something I wish I had learnt earlia in the planning process! 
 From the minute you say "yes" to the "I do" you will find that all aspects of the planning can be challenging. 
From parents and your future in-law's telling you who to invite, whose paying for what and your bridesmaids not liking the dream peach dresses you choose!  Planning can take over your life! 
Here's my advice on how not to turn into bridezilla!! 

Rule 1! Set your boundaries! 
Lose your expectations! Don't let family or friends tell you how things "ought" to be done. A huge mistake as a bride, is when you let yourself get wound up by people that don't see your vision. You need to be able to say NO! It's one of the most important things during your planning process. If you can't say no, then you will end up agreeing things to keep the peace and not sticking to your original plan. Once you do it, there won't be an end to it! 

Love you list of jobs !
You may have a list the size of a ball of string, but hey, this is the most exciting todo list ever! 
Delegate jobs to family members and use family resources. If your auntie is amazing with a sewing machine then ask her to make DIY decorations like bunting and knapkins! 
Start collecting items like jam jars or vintage crockery and any items that you can source for free early on so you know that you will have enough. 
Have a wedding timeline to, so you know what and when things need doing. 

We all get stressed out! Even as a wedding planner, I have brides call me in a panic as they have forgotten things or need some advice on how to deal with not having to invite relatives that they never see! Remember it's perfectly normal to feel stressed and anxious about your big day. As girls somewhere in our hearts we have all dreamt of this day since we were little,  And if your like me, dressed up in mums dress and heels aged five, holding her dried flower arrangement! It has and will be perfect, no matter what adventures your planning takes you on, 

The biggest regrets I have as a past bride? Its without a doubt having time to enjoy my planning. It's the most important day of your life and it goes sooooo quickly! Enjoy every minute of the planning stage. Keep a wedding planning diary. Keep your receipts, fabric samples, photos and mood boards in there as a keepsake of your big day, something to show your daughter when she dresses up in your Dress ! 

And if all else fails? Log onto www.evissawedding.co.uk and let me take the stress away! 

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