
Hello and welcome to The East wedding Co! We are here to bring you all the latest information about planning your wedding in the East Of England. As wedding planner's for Evissa Weddings, we will be recommending top suppliers and vendors, updating you on the latest trends, plus DIY tips and how to budget your wedding fund! As well as bringing you all the top news and events from your area, so keep watching!

Best wishes and Happy Planning!
Gemma & the team.

Wednesday, December 19

Sitting Pretty!

Place cards. One of those mandatory items needed to get everyone sitting where you meticulously drew them on your seating chart. Now, call me old fashioned, but I much prefer making it a bit more difficult for guests to find their seat at a wedding. It makes everyone get talking, very quickly taking down the divide in the room of two families. I especially love having table names, so guests have to go looking for the table name, and then chat to find their seat. One again, doing this breaks down barriers! Of course if you don't want the hassle, a table plan is one of the best methods of helping guests find where they are going.

And of course when they find their place card, why should it be boring? You can still be creative and fun, and even double it up as a wedding favour. You can do so much to match the theme of your wedding, and many of the ideas can be done yourself keeping costs way down!

Miniature flowers or plants are great for eco-friendly couples and weddings taking place in Spring and Summer. Having a wedding in Autumn? Why not use pine cones for a rustic feeling. Sticking to eco-friendly, perhaps you could use beautiful rocks or slate with names written on as great place settings, or for a sea side theme wedding, seashells.

Of course you can get much more creative! Miniature photo frames are always great options. Perhaps having Lego pieces, or my absolute favourite, having names spelled and displayed from Scrabble sets! The possibilities are endless, it all comes down to your creativity and wants of the Bride and Groom! Have a look at some more ideas!

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